Electron Microscope

Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) scan a sample with a focused electron beam and get images with information about the samples’ topography and composition.


CSEMs (conventional SEMs with a thermic electron source) and FE-SEMs (field emission SEMs with a field emission electron source) from ZEISS deliver high resolution imaging and superior materials contrast.

- High resolution surface sensitive information and materials contrast.

- Widely used in nanotechnology, materials research, life sciences, semiconductor, raw materials and industry.


Product Models

# Image Model Name Detail
GeminiSEM ZEISS GeminiSEM Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for highest demands in sub-nanometer imaging, analysis and sample flexibility.
SigmaSEM ZEISS Sigma Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope for High Quality Imaging and Advanced Analytical Microscopy.
EVOSEM ZEISS EVO Scanning Electron Microscope modular SEM platform for intuitive operation, routine investigations and research applications.

Enquire About : Zeiss Electron Microscope